Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

It goes without saying that Colorado can't be having another result like that against the team only four points ahead of them in the table. Here's three keys for the Rapids if they want to get out of July 4th with not only a festive fireworks show to be thankful for…

Casey/Cummings – The super striker duo had a solid return to form against Portland, and hopefully they'll both get plenty of minutes against the Whitecaps as well. One of the problems the first time around was a lack of luck when it came to finishing chances, but Casey and Cummings seem to make their own luck when they're together up top. Nuff said.

Feed Off The Crowd – There's something to be said about a raucous crowd. Portland knows, they've won most of their MLS games in front of their rabid fanbase, the Timbers Army. While we're not close to Timbers Army levels, we've seen that DSGP can host some brilliant crowds — Galaxy and Impact games this year come to mind — and every July 4th is almost a guaranteed sell out.

If the Rapids can feed off the energy that the win-hungry crowd will generate, it can't hurt.

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