Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

I have a theory.

So when I hear Bravo saying something as absolutely insane as this…:

Despite that, Bravo was saying the most mind-blowingly dumb thing I've ever heard. He is not that stupid, and the Rapids as a whole cannot possibly be that stupid. Incompetence is one thing. Undeniable idiocy is quite another. I think the team is just desperately making excuses, anywhere they can, to try and cover up the horrible spiral that the team is in right now because of their head coach.

Here's the thing: if things had merely gone wrong, changes might have been able to be made by them. Everyone makes mistakes, including the front offices of sports teams. Two years of bad play would probably have spelled the end for Oscar Pareja, and two years of bad play probably would have spelled the end for Pablo as well, or at least allowed the Rapids to raise questions or dip their toes in the water of a new coaching search. Unfortunately, the Rapids haven't just been bad, they've been an unmitigated disaster. Nobody, not even those who thought the hire was a bad idea at the start, could have predicted how absolutely hilariously things could have gone wrong for the Rapids with Mastroeni at the helm.

Essentially, the Rapids have taken this:

And turned it into this:

…all in the span of less than two years. It's rather incredible, really.

It's the worst collapse that anyone could have possibly imagined, and Pablo has been the man at the helm of all of it. The guy that the Rapids touted as the man to replace Pareja has done his own thing instead for two years, with disastrous results. All the Rapids brass can do now is damage control. If they don't try and hang on, desperately hoping that he actually improves in his third year — it's worth noting that at this point, even a coaching improvement from Pablo is likely not going to help this dismantled, old and disjointed team — they're going to be the ones to blame, and I doubt even the Avs and Nuggets favoring Josh Kroenke is going to be able to ignore it for much longer.

They've dug themselves too deep. The second this front office admits how horrendous a job their manager of choice is doing, and how much worse things continue to get, incredibly tough questions are going to have to be asked of them. Chicago just nuked their entire organization after being the worst team in MLS last year. I doubt the Rapids brass wants those same questions to be asked of them.

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