Tonight is the first ever competitive match between Colorado Rapids of MLS and Northern Colorado Hailstorm FC of USL League One in the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup. Hailstorm will take a team bus south on 85, which follows the South Platte River. It’s the first ever matchup of what the Colorado Soccer Twitter has been calling the South Platte Derby.
The Rapids come into this game having not won an Open Cup game since 2017. Statistically, they’re one of the most Cupset teams in MLS history. Pre-COVID, they were knocked out by USL Championship teams in 2018 and 19. Historically, they have the ignominy of losing to the Rochester Rhinos in the 1999 final. That’s the only time in the MLS era a non-MLS team has won the Open Cup.
“We’re approaching it like we want to win Wednesday and that’s the only game that matters. The biggest demand is that we don’t let down. Open Cup games are always a weird sort of animal and there is usually some sort of a let down,” Head Coach Robin Fraser said leading up to the match.
“It’s come at a really good time for us. We’re five games unbeaten. (It’s) the perfect time go out to put in a good performance and get a few goals and give us the confidence of putting the ball in the net,” added midfielder Connor Ronan.
The Rapids are unbeaten in five in league play but with four draws. Good performances are not resulting in wins, yet. Could a blowout victory with a few players getting their first goals of the season make the difference? A cup run would be welcomed by the fanbase.
For Hailstorm, they’re in their second year of existence. Last season, they got upset wins at Colorado Springs Switchbacks and Real Salt Lake, before losing to fellow third division side Union Omaha. They beat Switchbacks again this year to get into this matchup with the Pids.
They were the last team out of the League One playoffs, but they played well in the final months of the season. The Future Legends Complex is still under construction in Windsor, CO. The club was basically Northern Colorado Wanderers, playing in venues from Greeley, to Fort Collins, to Severance. Now they’re settled at their permanent training facility. They’ve only played road games in league play but are undefeated.
“It’ll be a world class facility for youth, professionally, for tournaments. It’ll be an amazing place to play. We have the dome for cold days which is super nice,” said striker and Westminster, Colo. native Trevor Amann.
Head Coach Éamon Zayed is in just his second year coaching at the professional level. He’s energetic, outspoken, and a bit of a wholesome meme at times. He’s also got a connection to Rapids President Pádraig Smith.
“Pádraig Smith is a friend of mine. He supports Drogheda United, his local team (back in Ireland). I was the striker for Drogheda. He saw me help Dragheda help them win their only league title back in 2007. He was at the wining game where he saw me score the winning goal. I have a lifetime of free tickets to Rapids games because I helped his boyhood club,” Zayed told Burgundy Wave.
Zayed cashed in on that promise, bringing his entire coaching staff and more than half the players to the game last Saturday. He admitted the Rapids battered St. Louis and on another night it could have been 5-1.
Fans should be aware of a few names, players wise. Captain and center back Rob Cornwall is their leader at the back and a physical presence. He scored the winning goal at Salt Lake last year. He and Arthur Rogers have a great relationship in defense. Both are effective on set pieces. Hailstorm hope to be the Set Piece Kings of League One this year.
Marky Hernández and Enock Kwakwa bring the energy in midfield. Their pressing unsettled Switchbacks earlier in the month. Think Max and Ronan, but a bit shorter.
In attack, the team is missing Irvin Parra, their #10 who was a talisman for them last season with 12 goals and four assists in 26 games. He’s only played in one game this season and has been away from the team for reasons not yet publicized.
“The guys are going to do something for Irvin (Parra) on Wednesday. He’s not well for somebody so young. We wish in a speedy recovery. Without going into it, hopefully he’ll be back with us soon. We miss him. He’s a big player and a big personality when he’s around us,” Zayed said.
It’s doubtful he plays tonight. If he does, it could make the difference for Hailstorm. That could mean Amann is shouldering the load offensively. His first goal of the year was in the 88th minute against Switchbacks to start the comeback. His parents have had season tickets to the Rapids for years so this match is an achievement for him and is family.
“The team is very excited. It’s an opportunity to go into an MLS stadium and play against an MLS organization. Everybody’s itching to get there,” said Amann adding “It’s always been a dream to play on that field, for or against the Rapids. This game is going to be very special for me.”
They’ve retained a core group from last year’s team that beat RSL. They’ll bring that experience and more tonight.
So much of this depends on the lineup Fraser puts out. Zayed admitted he doesn’t know what to expect. They have a number of injuries in the squad. They’re playing at Vancouver Whitecaps on Saturday, a game they need a result in. Marlon Vargas got called up from Rapids 2, so presumably he’ll get minutes. Hailstorm should like their chances against a mostly R2 lineup. Zayed admitted if its a first choice lineup, they’ll get beat if they play Colorado straight up.
Either way, expect Hailstorm concede possession at times and be structured defensively. They’ll press at times to create transition moments. If at any point, it’s mostly a reserve team on the field for the Burgundy Boys, expect Hailstorm to go for it, trying to dent everything. Set pieces will be huge for both sides.
“I love cup competitions. When you’re a lower division team playing against a higher division team, you’re underdogs. As a player, I always loved playing in those games. I have a team that feels similarly,” said Zayed emphatically.
It’ll be interesting to see the size of the crowd and their allegiances, given most Hailstorm fans probably have the Rapids as their MLS team. It’s great also the Rapids are producing a stream for the game given the situation with U.S. Soccer and the Open Cup.
Rapids win in penalties after going 1-1 through 120 minutes. Hailstorm outplay them at times. Marko Ilić stands on his head in his Rapids debut.
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[…] Northern Colorado Hailstorm FC on Wednesday night. It was an in-state U.S. Open Cup game and the first ever South Platte River […]